Saturday, February 18, 2017

Through My Eyes

As we get older we see the world through a different set of eyes. We imagine the world we were told would exist, the one we dream of, and the harsh reality of the world we know. It isn't often we feel that the universe has align for our benefit, in fact it seems that the universe may have been constructed entirely just to make me realize how small I am in reality. We travel the world to gain a perspective about who we are and who they are. We are the people that we are comfortable with and they are the people who are entirely new to our lives. Sometimes if your travels go well then they become us and we become them. I am looking to open my mind and experience the world in a way that only makes sense to me but somewhere along the way my travels will hopefully become yours. I learned once while traveling through Italy that love was something you only understood when it was about to leave you and sadly this is the way of the world. I want to experience life as much as possible so that I can only understand love.

I currently live in Los Angeles, California.
I currently feel stuck and am looking to change it.
I just turned 33 and am trying to understand what it is to be an adult and a man in this world.
I know this 40 hour week is not my best option for happiness.
I am ready and willing to change it all just to be happy.

I will be looking to catalogue and showcase my travels through my life and I do realize that no matter where I am, I am traveling. I am lucky enough that I live in a place that many people all over the world dreaming of yet I can't wait to escape. I have a decent job with lots of school loans and knowing that this pace of work vs. income will never allow me to win. I have to make a dramatic change and I have to be bold and to be honest I am scared out of my skull to even try. Until I dream of a reality I can see then I will only live the nightmare I can't escape. I am eager to be strong in this moment and realize that somethings in life aren't always supposed to be comfortable. I am living in a manner which I am not happy with but I am lucky to have.

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